
Camouflage uses handlebars to help you generate dynamic responses if needed. Read more about handlebars here.

You can use all the helpers provided by handlebars itself, for example, if, unless, each, and with. Camouflage also provides some additional helpers to make some repetitive tasks easy.

array Helper


{{array source='Apple,Banana,Mango,Kiwi' delimiter=','}}: Generate an array from a source using given delimiter.


  1. Required: source, delimiter

assign Helper

Usage: Assign helper can be used to assign a value to a variable, by specifying a name value pair. This can be useful specially when using capture helper using regex and jsonpath selectors. Since running a regex or jsonpath operation is an expensive task, assign helper can be used to capture a value once, store it in a variable and use throughout the mock file. Aesthetically, it also improves readability of the mock file which otherwise would contain long illegible regular expressions repeated throughout the mock file.

Following example shows the usage of a complex combination of helpers, i.e. assign, array, concat, and code.

{{assign name='fruits' value=(array source=(concat 'Apple' 'Kiwi' 'Oranges' delimiter='-') delimiter='-')}}
{{#each fruits as |fruit|}}{{#if @last}}{{fruit}}{{else}}{{fruit}}-{{/if}}{{/each}}


  1. concat: We are using concat to make a hyphenated string out of 3 seperate string values.
  2. array: Then we are making an array by splitting the hyphenated string using the hyphen delimiter. Because why not?
  3. assign: Next, we assign this monstrous redundancy to a variable fruits
  4. each: Next use the helper each to loop over the fruits array.
  5. if: Finally, we use if helper, to make a beautiful string. We concatenate the fruits with a hyphen (if the current fruit is not the last item in the array).

Phew, that was quite a journey. We started with 'Apple-Kiwi-Oranges' and we ended it with 'Apple-Kiwi-Oranges'....wait a minute!


  1. Required: name, value

concat Helper

Usage: Concatenates multiple strings together, (static or dynamic), to form a single string.


  • {{concat 'Camouflage ' 'is ' 'easy!!'}} results in Camouflage is easy.
  • You can also pass in a delimiter, i.e. {{concat '1' '22' '333' delimiter='-'}} will result in 1-22-333


  1. Required: List of strings separated by a space eg: '1' '22' '333'
  2. Optional: delimiter

csv helper

Usage: CSV Helper allows you to provide a data source as an input along with several combinations of selection policies

  • With a key and value: Specify the column name with key and the value you want to search with value. CSV helper returns the first row of the csv file where the value matches the row value in the specified column.
  • Random: Omitting key and value altogether and specifying random=true will fetch you one row at random.
  • All: Specifying all=true, fetches you the entire CSV file, do what you will with the data.


  1. Required: Policy i.e. either random=true or all=true or a combination key/value i.e. key='something' value='something'
  2. Optional: delimiter. Default value: , (comma)


All combinations of the policies return a JSON Array

import Helper

Usage: Import helpers lets you store your reusable templates in shared files, which can then be imported into other files.


You can create a Camouflage mock file which would contain the response for the request GET /hello/world

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "now": "{{import path="/User/john.doe/uselessButReusableNow.mock"}}"

Here you are importing the file uselessButResuableNow.mock, Camouflage helper will replace the import with the contents of your imported file. You can create the reusable file as

{{now format='yyyy-MM-dd'}}

This seems trivial and of no use but think bigger. Your mock file contains not just one but several responses and you select one of them based on a certain condition. You can break down your mocks into several files and import them as needed, making it easier to maintain.


  1. Required: path

inject Helper

Time for the forbidden fruit! The security vulnerability. Everything you have been taught not to do.

Inject helper allows you replace the hard coded values in your mock files with a javascript code, when you still want to use Camouflage's response builder but you want control over one or two fields.


    "phone": {{#inject}}(()=>{ return Math.floor(1000000000 + Math.random() * 9000000000); })();{{/inject}}

This translates to a random 10 digit number. Is it a phone number? Is it not? Who knows!


inject helper is not enabled by default. If you want to use inject helper, you'd have to enable it when you are creating the helper object.

const helpers = new Helpers(true) // setting injectionAllowed = true

Or, after creation of helper object using setInjectionAllowed method: helpers.setInjectionAllowed(true),

is Helper

Credits: danharper/Handlebars-Helpers

Usage: is helper can be considered as an extension of if which allows you to evaluate conditions that are lacking in inbuilt helper.

is can be used in following three ways:

  • With one argument: is acts exactly like if

{{#is x}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}

  • With two arguments: is compares the two are equal (a non-strict, == comparison, so 5 == '5' is true)

{{#is x y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}

  • With three arguments: the second argument becomes the comparator.

{{#is x "not" y}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}} {{#is 5 ">=" 2}} ... {{else}} ... {{/is}}

Accepted operators are:

  • == (same as not providing a comparator)
  • !=
  • not (alias for !=)
  • ===
  • !==
  • >
  • >=
  • <
  • <=
  • in (to check if a value exists in an array. ex: {{#is 'John' in (capture from='body' using='jsonpath' selector='$.names')}})

now Helper


  1. {{now}} - Simply using now will give you date in format YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm:ss
  2. {{now format='MM/DD/YYYY'}} - Format not to your liking? We use luxon to handle date/time, you can provide any format that's supported by luxon. Read more here.
  3. {{now format='epoch'}} - Time since epoch in milliseconds
  4. {{now format='unix'}} - Time since epoch in seconds
  5. {{now format='MM/DD/YYYY hh:mm:ss' offset='-10 days'}} - Use offset to specify the delta for your desired date from the current date.


  1. Optional: format, offset

num_between Helper


  • {{num_between lower=500 upper=600}}: Generate a random number between two values.
  • {{num_between lower=500 upper=600 lognormal=true}}: Generate random numbers on a bell curve centered between two values.


  1. Required: lower, upper
  2. Optional: lognormal

random Helper


  • {{random}} - Simply using randomValue will generate a 16 character alphanumeric string. ex: 9ZeBvHW5viiYuWRa.
  • {{random type='ALPHANUMERIC'}} - You can specify a type as well. Your choices are: 'ALPHANUMERIC', 'ALPHABETIC', 'NUMERIC' and 'UUID'.
  • {{random type='NUMERIC' length=10}} - Don't want a 16 character output? Use length to specify the length.
  • {{random type='ALPHABETIC' uppercase=true}} - Finally, specify uppercase as true to get a, well, uppercase string.


  1. Optional: type, length, uppercase