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Configuring Cache

In Memory Cache

Camouflage uses apicache for caching. By default, apicache uses memory for caching, however it also provides a number of configurable options. To specify any of these optional configurations, modify config.yml in following way.

  enable: false
  ttl_seconds: 300
  cache_options: # Optional
    debug: false
    defaultDuration: "1 hour"
    enabled: true
    headerBlacklist: []
      exclude: []
      include: []
    trackPerformance: false
    headers: {}
    respectCacheControl: false

camouflage init, generates two options for cache configuration i.e. enable and ttl_seconds. These are parameters, Camouflage uses to configure a basic in memory cache. These options are not related or provided by apicache.

However, you can additionally specify one or more options as shown above under cache_options, to control the behavior of Camouflage's cache mechanism.

List of options made available by apicache are as follows:

  debug:            false|true,     // if true, enables console output
  defaultDuration:  '1 hour',       // should be either a number (in ms) or a string, defaults to 1 hour
  enabled:          true|false,     // if false, turns off caching globally (useful on dev)
  headerBlacklist:  [],             // list of headers that should never be cached
  statusCodes: {
    exclude:        [],             // list status codes to specifically exclude (e.g. [404, 403] cache all responses unless they had a 404 or 403 status)
    include:        [],             // list status codes to require (e.g. [200] caches ONLY responses with a success/200 code)
  trackPerformance: false,          // enable/disable performance tracking... WARNING: super cool feature, but may cause memory overhead issues
  headers: {
    // 'cache-control':  'no-cache' // example of header overwrite
  respectCacheControl: false|true   // If true, 'Cache-Control: no-cache' in the request header will bypass the cache.

Redis Cache

Cache can be implemented using redis, by providing an additional redis_options under cache_options

  enable: false
  ttl_seconds: 300
  cache_options: # Optional
    debug: false
    defaultDuration: "1 hour"
    enabled: true
    headerBlacklist: []
      exclude: []
      include: []
    trackPerformance: false
    headers: {}
    respectCacheControl: false
    redis_options: # Optional
      port: 6379

For a complete list of available redis options, refer to redis documentation


Some of the options are not directly trasferred from the underlying packages. For example, apicache provides two more options, other than the ones mentioned above, i.e. redisClient and appendKey. Camouflage does not support appendKey, whereas redisClient is automatically configured when you provide redis_options as shown above.

Similarily, redis package provides a retry_strategy option, which is not supported by Camouflage.

This might change in future releases.