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Camouflage allows you to proxy selective calls to an external system using {{#proxy}}{{/proxy}} handlebar helper. Proxy support uses http-proxy as it's underlying library and most options are supported as is. To create a proxy endpoint, begin by creating folders and mock file for your desired downstream.

Example: If you would like Camouflage to proxy a POST request to a downstream endpoint i.e. /calls-proxied/to/this-target, you would create a file in following manner.


Content of this mock file will use proxy block helper and specify a configuration as supported by http-proxy:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK

    "target": "http://localhost:9008",
    "ssl": {
        "key": "valid-ssl-key.pem"
        "cert": "valid-ssl-cert.pem"
    "secure": true

For more details on the available options, refer to http-proxy's documentation


For options requiring fs.readFileSync("path"), you can simply specify the path as string as shown in ssl.key and ssl.cert example above. Camouflage takes care of reading the file from the specified path.