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Performance Mode

By default Camouflage starts on a single CPU, by creating one master and one worker process. This is sufficient for a functional test and a small scale perf test (for a test with 60000 RPM without any latency simulation, 95th percentile response time was around 30 - 40 milliseconds). However, if you are on a multi core machine and you'd like Camouflage to utilize more cores, you can do so by updating the cpus parameter in your config.yml as any number less than the available CPUs. e.g. 4

This will tell Camouflage to start 1 master and 4 workers utilizing 4 cores of your CPU. This leads to a better performance. For a HTTP test with 60000 RPM with latency simulation, 95th between 10 - 13 milliseconds. Reports can be found on the Tests page.

Camouflage uses NodeJS cluster module to achieve this, which means it also provides a high availability. If you have specified 4 workers, Camouflage will always ensure that 4 workers are running. In any case if one or more of your workers crash, they will be replaced by a new worker.